Friday, May 29, 2009

aku suka kau.

aku xtaw lah knape tp aku sgt syg suka kat kau .
kau lah satu2nya tempat aku mencurahkan segalanya .
pelbagai perasaan aku lepaskan .
marah , sedih , gembira juga keliru .
kau tetap disisi tanpa sekali pun mengecewakan aku .

harap kau akan sentiasa disisi .
tidak perlu aku susah mencari .
pabila aku perlukan kau , kau hadir tanpa susah mencari .
dan kau pergi pabila aku tenang kembali .

maafkan aku kerana terlalu sukakan kau .
aku sudah seperti addicted kepada kau .
aku akan sentiasa perlukan kau .

namun ,

maafkan aku apabila aku pergi tinggalkan kau pabila aku sudah tenang .
maafkan kerana berperangai seperti kacang lupakan kulit tapi
itulah hakikatnya......



ahahahaah mmg aku busan skrg :))

Monday, May 25, 2009

holiday in lumut je.

okay for the last 2days i was at lumut , somewhere in perak la for holiday.
my family , uncle and aunty and also uncle pny anak which technically my cousin . ahaha
so on 24may lps kul n 3ptg we're headed to lumut . aku mcm biasa la dlm kete xtaw nk watpe ,
aku ape lagi mmbuteeeeee la . ahaha smpai2 xtaw la kul bpe . tp mmg aku redah pool dlu .
ahaha bwk ank2 sedare n adik aku g mndy . mmg xseda diri . mlm tuh g mkn ikn bakar . babi sedap lah plak . mmg aku lupe sume program mendiet aku dah . mkn smpai kmbung perot .
mlm ituh aku xsng tdo , disebabkan mandi pool yg terlampau dan xsedar diri ptg td. mmg flu mlm tuh aku :( tdo pn xsenang , idung dah tersumbat . ahaaaa meresap plak ! pagi2 bgun da rase mcm nk demam . penangan holidayyy sakan . ahahaha . next day balek . cukup la kn . mama n papa pn nk keje da sok . ske2 je ponteng ari senin kan . haha . okay mls nk cite pnjg2 , tgk la gmbaaa yer :))

marina cove resort lumut perak

emil :)

tgu ikan bakar

mmg aku gemok , mkn jeeee

ezra :)

papa , i looveee u :)

okay , pulang ipohhh sahajaaa !

Thursday, May 21, 2009

mood mood mood

okay mood dtg balik malam td .
ahaha yeahhhhhh die xjdi . ske lah :)
jaat pulak terase tp itulah hakikatnye .
knpe ntah aku berperasaan sprti ini ?
pelik benar kn .
btw , saye rindu awak lah machaaaaaaaaa !
tp kaw pn saye rindu jugak .
ahaha .

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

wish for you

aku bukak , aku tengok , aku nanges :'(
Kenapa aku menangis ? i am supposed to be hppy bcoz he finally move on just like i did .
Move on kah aku ? gambar masih di laptop , msg masih di handphone , video masih tak delete ,
teddy bear masih di katil . I neva thought that life was hard , the memories with u was totally amazing. Baby , dear , sume panggilan yg kaw usually called me, now ur using it with someone else.
i thought that move on over u was pretty easy. Being with him, well i thought i could get over u.
tp xsemudah itu. tgk kaw move on with someone else, really hurts me . Mayb this is exactly what u felt when u looked the photos of me and him. Oh how hurt to seee u move on. But why exactly did i cry ? Izzit because i had never let u go or am i still in love with u ? I cried so loud , so hard . My tears keep on falling when i look those comments. Oh what exactly is this feeling? I have him but i still cry for u ? ntah la . even i sndirik xde jwpnnye , im confuse :/ Takpe lah aku xnk disturb anyone happiness espeacially u. Those memories with u will never be erased. u are like my first love bcause 4 me , i xpnh bg love i seserious i bg u . hmmm i know she's not like me .
dia bertudung and im not . aku sosial and she's not . oh how different we are . u know , i always said to u before that if one day we are no longer together , u promised me that u will continue our love story with someone more better than me , who could thought u more about life , i mean someone who matured than me , someone who are more prettier not only in the face but the 'attitude' also. and there u go . u found her !! Im happy for u. ilani ckp , " jodoh xkemana. kalo skrg ko xdgn die, tp 5-6 thun nati ko jmp die, sape taw kn". yup , maybe by the time i meet u nati u hv happily married to her . oh that's life..... Ape2 pun , thanks to MARINI AMIN SUGGUN, the first person i call lps tgk u kt friendster. thanks nini sbb tenangkan aku bile aku nanes tersedu2 td . Thanks also to ILANI BT ISHAK kerana angkt call even tgh sibuk bkrja n terus brjnji akn dtg umah i krn risau dgn tangisan i ini and tepat jam 6.45ptg lani dtg untuk dga mslh i even lps pnt bkrja. and thanks to AIMAN NABILLAH BT ZULKAFLI sbb bg nasihat n semangat kerana mood i sudah tiada lgsg ptg td . ohh yeah thanks gak kat EGA @ MOHD ASWAD , mama punye pekerja yg sedar mate aku bengkak dan cuba brtnya knpa tp aku xnk gtaw . thanks sbb blanje mkn tnpa mengetahui apa yg trjdi . THANKS EVERYBODY ! i love u guys no matter what :'( hope that i'll be strong .

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

i love you


1 2, 1 2 3 4
Give me more lovin' than I've ever had,
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad,
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not,
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad, Barely gettin' mad,
I'm so glad I found you; I love bein' around you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1,2- 1,2,3,4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do-(I love you)
I love you.

Give me more lovin' from the very start,
Piece me back together when I fall apart,
Tell things you never even tell your closest friends-
Make it feel good when I hurt so bad, Best I that I've had,
I'm so glad I found you, I love bein' around you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1,2- 1,2,3,4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do- (I love you)
I love you.
(I love you) I love you.

You make it easy, it's easy as 1,2- 1,2,3,4
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you- (I love you) I love you
There's only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that's what I'll do-(I love you)
I love you.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

misi tersasar

bile blek umah ni igt nak diet , kurgkan berat badan .
tp mama asek masak sedap je , susa gakkk :(
balek2 je trhidang mcm2 makanan , non stop makan .
so as a result , weight da naek 3kg mnjadikan weight skrg adalah 48kg .
aku menulis entri ini kerana tersedar badan sudah mcm hulk ,
berat naek mendadak , perot sudah semakin mmbuncit dan peha n punggung dah macam ayam , juga baju lame2 size S da kompem2 xmuat da .
marahhhhhhhnyeeee :/
mama , i love u tp stop feeding me great meal nati lin gemokkkk :(
xmawwww !

Saturday, May 16, 2009

family day

today is one of the great day .
every weekend routine biasa family aku is of course bowling .
so 6pm we headed to jaya jusco ipoh including my uncle's family .
bowling agak ramai so we have to wait about 15min coz ade competition plak .
after 15min, the real game begin . danial join gak . kecik2 pn angkut bola 2 . comel jee :)
ohhh macam biasa , papa tererrrr . but today is auntie's lucky day .
sebab die menang for the first time :) what a supriseee !
exactly on 7.25pm , the game ends .
and the winner is my auntie continue with my uncle and third place is papa .
me ? ohhhh aku pn okayyyyy what . fourth place same with mama .
abang yoi , danial and abang fairoz , im sorry . its just not ur lucky day ! :)

me and danial :)

uncle , auntie and mama .

papa maen tererrr :)

mama pun tererrr :)

danial is trying hard to win . ahaha

after a tiring game kat bowling tadi , kami sumeee g cari makan .
and we decided to go to restaurant sate kajang .
makan sate kajanggggggggg :) hehe abes gemokkan diri , tros blek .

before we headed home , aku g closing tesco . habes closing , tros aku ajk ilani
g karok . 2 lagu cukupppp :) thenn , after penat nyanyi , tros balek umah .
im so tired but totally happy . bestttt gleeeeeeee today :)

nyanyi punyeee feeling . haha

happyyyyy :)


Thursday, May 14, 2009

engkau , aku dan dia

jam dah menunjukkan pukuk 2pgi tp still mate ni trkedip2 xnk tutup .
otakkkk sudahhh jauhh sampai london .
pikir ape ?
rindu kat die . die sihat ke ? igt ke die kt aku ?
persoalan yg sentiasa ade kt otak bile duk sorg2 cmni .
kdg2 rase idup ni xfair je tp nk wat cmni ttp kne idup kan ? :(
knape kite xbley nk dpt sume dlm idup kite ?
aku bukan tamak cuma xnk trlps yg terbaik .
sebab aku plg xske buat plihan .
engkau atau dia ? mne lg bgus ? kalo aku nk dua2 bley x ?
aduuuuhhhh tu la dunia .
kne lpaskan yg 1 ni untuk dpt yg i tuh .
aku nk engkau tp dia pn aku nakkkkkkk .
kalo aku pilih engkau , dia terasa .
kalo aku pilih dia , engkau terasa .
jadi yg terbaikkk xpayah pilih dua2 .
g cari lain . hahahahahahah kan senang :)
tp xsemudah ituh .
kalo aku pilih salah satu aku taw aku akan end up dgn ari2 pk sal yg xterpilih itu .
susaaaaaaa kn ? tamak kannn ? ishhhhhhhh :(
nati rindu pulakkk . menyesal plakkkk .
lagi susahhh kn ?tp memory tetap memoryyy . sume dah selesai .
pilihan sudah dibuatt . terima jelaaaa .
dua2 sayang . tamak bukan . ckp la pape pn .
tp kalo korg brada di situasi sprti aku , korg akn taw la betapa
susa mmbuat pilihan .harap sume elok je .
aku , engkau dan dia bahagia sentiasa .
tu yg aku nakk :)

Monday, May 11, 2009


danial , happy birthday lil bro !
da 8 tahun today :)
still annoying like before , that for sure !
but i still love u adik !

Sunday, May 10, 2009

last day.

10 MAY 2009 is the last day in uitm .
paper bel260 ends at 12pm tp aku kua awal :)
so kua je rase nk jerit oh yehhhh it's finally over !
im freeeee . hahaha padahal bru part 2 bkn abes part 6 pn .
so class plg gempak kt uitm which is of course DPA2A ,
g ramai2 mkn kt lua the night before the last test.
celebrating the last paper and also 4 our classmate hazierah .
katenye mau pindah uitm melaka next sem .
ohhh we're going to miss you babe !
kurg gempak da class ini sbb u xde da :(
so kul 8.30 sume da ready .
me, elly, naja, fafa, nik, nafa .
waiting 4 hazierah . adoyyy lambatnyeee !
mentang2 nk clbr8 die , lmbt2 lak .
hahaha . okay then gerak ramai2 .
we have such a great fun .
gelak macam orang gleee mcm kedai 2 bpak kmi yg punya .
hhahahahah aimiii control .
hahaha biase laaaaaaaa dpa2a always gempak !
so everybody in dpa2a ,
have a great3 holiday :)
next sem jumpe lagi .

me and naja ;)



naja , nafa , elly , nik , mazny , fira :)

me and the gorgeous elly :))

ziera over excited , intan control , aimi xtahan suda .

DPA2A the greatest :))