Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Estee Lauder Model Search

me ; mama , nk masuk ELMS for this year lagi pleaseeeeeeee ?

mama ; NO WAY lin !

omg NO WAY okayyy :( sedih btoi . the reason i can't join dis year is bcause i hv joined last year and mama said i already have the exprience so jgn nak waste moneyy for something like that lagi okayyy . omg pretty harsh kn ! huhuk :(

mama, i actually want the make up set ok . it's not about the experience pn act . i really want the make up set la mama ! die punye box omg i likeeee . ehehe this year the colour is black . last year was gold but still last year was better i guess . ehehe but i still want it !

but still the memory join mende tuh was pretty amazing . bukan selalu kan kite di make up kan oleh org kn . kalo x kat kenduri kawen , mampos xde sape nk make muke aku . ahahahah rase macam artis plak . after a little make over , wat rmbut plak . move on to the all the clothes . omg dresses , cantik2 okayyy . next , photoshot ! that was the best part . mcm model la kan . pose sane pose sini . for people like me , it was a great experience ! xmenang pn xpe . kite pn xcantik , kite sedar la kan . ramai lg yg cantik . i knowww i saw it . i was amazed by their beauty . omg with all the make up , they looked stunning !

so Estee Lauder Model Search 2008 was 'something' for me ! never gonna forget it . sayang xdpt join this yearr :((

before make over


Photoshot 2

suke2 je photographer ni snap time aku tgh horny . ahahha

pesanan ringkas ; byk sbnrnye pix photoshot die tp bia 3 jela i tnjuk kang sume muntah darah
tgk . ahhahahaha :))

Sunday, June 21, 2009

the amazing birthday.

19june was my birthday and was totally the greatest birthday eva :)) guess what hppen? sayang was in ipoh celebrating my birthday ! ahaha it was unexpected actually . it hppened so fast . tibe2 je die kate nk turun ipoh . ckp pukul 5 ptg and when i said suke ati la , 5minutes later he called and said that he already bought 10pm ticket to IPOH ! i said wtf . bia betol . igt kan die men2 . ahaha .


so baby ,

Thanks sebab sanggup turun ipoh semate2 nk clbrate bfday with me . terharu :( jauh okayy ipoh and johor .

Thanks sebab sanggup tunggu i amek dr pkul 5am smpai 9am . lame tuh . da la nk nek keras duk dlm bas 7jam pastuh kene tgu lg i amek kul 9am . poor u :(

Thanks sebab sanggup xmakan sbb da xde duit takot xcukup duit nk blek jhor balek . naseb baek gf i neyyy ade kedai , kompem dpt makan free . ehehe :)

Thanks sebab sanggup and berani jumpe mama . I LOVE U ! mama blanje mkn pizza lagi . hehe can't believe that u jmpe mama . next papa plak okayyyyyyyy :)

Thanks sebab sanggup plak layan danial , my annoying lil bro . u dtg nk jmp i tp kne lyn danial plak . men game la pe la . hehe .

Thanks sebab sanggup tgk cite monsters vs aliens lps kne lyn danial . i know u xske cite tuh tp tgk gak sbb danial kannnn . hehehehhe cite katunnnn pn best gakkk la yggggg :))

Thanks sebab sanggup and xkesah bile i have to send u to bus station tuk tido umah john . kat kuala kngsar plak tuh . 1jam , jauh gak tuh . sorrrryyy syg . thanks john for that :))

Thanks sebab sanggup tunggu i panas2 kul 1pm sbb sume family i xgerak g kL lagi . sorrryyy . panas sgt knnnn . i knowwwwwww . lame plak tuh kannn . da la ble i smpi i wat2 xnmpk tros je jln xamek u kannn . heheheh soryyyyyyyyy :P

Thanks sebab tolong angkat brg2 kedai i . maklum lahhh gf u ni sudah bergelar businesswoman dah . eheheheh i taw berat kannnnn . cian u :)

Thanks sebab bagi bfday present ituh :)) i love the teddy bear , pink lagiiiiii . ehehhehehe thanks sayang . teddy tuh ade je kt katil okayyyyy :)

Thanks sebab time da anta u kat bus station , i nk blek u tgk i smpai i kua bus station tuh . bkn apeee ade pacek ni menakotkan btoi laaaa . eeeeeeeeeee :(






Sunday, June 14, 2009

ape kejadah nya result cam gini ?

weyyy result dah kua lahh !! ehh korg ske plak ? i xske lahhh . menci tgu tp menci lg nk dga . bukan ape kalo result xelok jgn arap laaaa hidup dlm keadaan senang lg . ahhh xsuke lah . ewah ewah tp tetap kene tgk jugak kn . so dlm keadaan yg sgt sejuk baru turun flight smbil lihat sorang mamat steward yg sgt hensem smpai xseda rupe2nya da xde tangga nk diturun lg , ahaha terus je laju2 bukak hp yg da 4hari xde msg msuk , tros je call 'syg' . nak taw resulttt i ! i da sgt xsaba smpai boyf i suda mcm xthn nk dga i jerit2 tros je die kua diam2 g carik cc pada pukul 2pagi ituh . jgn salahkan i sbb da xth suda , eehhhh kalo korg pn mesti same gak kn . ehhh nk g ipoh dari LCCT kn jauhh . lagi2 nk bas , 4jam taw . so sgt mmbuak2 la perasaan ituh . hehe btw iklan jap (thanks syg sbb susa2 kua cri cc smata2 nk tgk rsult owg , iloveyou) okay proceed. dlm bas i da mcm org yg da thn kencing slame 3jam sbb toilet rmi sgt . ishhh kusot nyeeeeee :( tibe2 nada dering lagu ' dear god' kedengaran . alaaaa rase mcm nk cmpak je hp kasik senyap . angkt2 je tros hilang semua budi bahasa . ahaha jerit2 dan dgn agak kasar bertanya result . apa kejadahnya resukt cam gini ? nakkk laaaa . bley x nk ulang mase ? kerana sebab agak main2 pada sem ini dan pelajaran yg agk mencekik otak jadi pointer jatuh skit . tp bersyukur juga sbb masih 3pointer and above dan tiada paper untuk di repeat :)) 3.31 , agak memuaskan . alhamdulilah . mama juga tidak marah dan masih boleh tersenyum dan memeluk i . waahhhh okay rase sng juga hati ini walau hati ini rase tidak puas hati . btw i baru pulang dari bandung. nati i upload pix kat bndung jadi tunguuuuuuuu !!! :))

Friday, June 5, 2009

low blood pressure.

Name : Mazni Liyana Bt Tajul Azman
Gender : Female
Age : 19
B/P : 96/63
Weight : 45.8 kg
Height : 155 kg
BMI : 19.1 (Normal)
Fat % : 26.1 %
Fat Mass : 12.0 kg
Predicted Weight : 44.5 kg
Predicted Fat Mass : 10.7 kg
Fat to lose : 1.3 kg

omg i did the body composition analyzing ptg td . n baru la i tau dat i ade low blood pressure .
i pny B/P is only 96/63 meaning that xnormal la kn . ishhhh . OMG LOW BLOOD PRESSURE !

Monday, June 1, 2009

kalau dah gemuk,

disebabkan i brpuasa pd hari ini (cewah puasa la kn ) ehhh puasa ganti ek . kn puasa nk dkt so kami warga perempuan kebanyakannye akn rmi2 bukak bku catitan period utk ganti puasa . ahaha . so brbalik pada cerita , disebabkan puasa so appetite i membuak2 utk mkn la kn .
semestinyee la kn . aduh ! i kempunan ape ? smstinye CHOCOLATE ! ahaha jd i dgn rase bangga krn telah brjaya hbis 1ari puasa , g mintak mama duit sbb nk beli choc . ahaha . mama hulur rm10 . walaweyyy ! pe lagi i serbu tesco yg dkt dgn umah i dan g shopping choc .
and i brjaya menghabiskan duit mama bg and cmpur sdikit duit i utk beli choc .
boronggg neyyy $$$$$$ :P dkt rm20 gak la duit abes beli choc and jajan tadi . antara yg dibeli adalah :

1. Chips More Choc Coated .
2. Vochelle (Fruit and nuts) .
3. Oreo .
4. Cadbury Daily Milk (Black Forest) .
5. Cadbury Crunchie .
6. Mister Potato (Hot and Spicy Flavour) .
7. Biskut Tiger .
8. Biskut Weetameal .
9. Vochelle (Almonds) .

Kalau dah gemok tuh , xleyyy nak watpe kan . mkn jela . ahahaha balek2 mama mengamuk !
ahaha mmg dgr ceramah la ape lg . mama ckp aku da gemok xreti lg nk cntrol mkn .
mkn choc lg . tp nati ble xmuat baju nanges2 lari kat mama . ahahahaha aku lah tuh :))